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Awards, Prizes & Funding

TASA bestows several prestigious awards, including the Jean Martin Award for best PhD, the Stephen Crook Memorial Prize, the Raewyn Connell Prize, the Best Paper in the Journal of Sociology Award, the Distinguished Services to Australian Sociology Award and the Outstanding Service to TASA Award.  Two new Awards were introduced in 2015; the TASA Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in Australian Sociology and the TASA Sociology in Action Award. Each year TASA also offers scholarships intended to support postgraduates, those working outside academe & those with disabilities to participate at TASA’s annual conference. The Precarious Work Conference Bursary Fund was established in 2018. In 2019, TASA introduced a Carer’s Travel Bursary.

All Awards are open to TASA members only.
Further details on each of TASA’s Awards, Prizes, Scholarships and Bursaries can be accessed via the links on the right hand side of this page. 


From left, Evan Willis (recipient of the 2013 Distinguished Service to Australian Sociology Award), Kirsten MacLean (Conference MC), Xiaoying Qi (2013 JMA recipient), Adam Possamai (2013 JMA Chair), Eileen Clark (2013 recipient of the Outstanding Service to TASA Award), Jo Lindsay (2012/2013 TASA President), & Gary Bouma (recipient of the 2013 Distinguished Service to Australian Sociology Award).

About TASATASA 2024 ConferenceAwards, Prizes & Funding